Motion Stages

Initializing and Using the Motor Controller

The motors are run from a GUI interface that runs on one of the Unix hosts (such as

saomot_gui &

Dispatchers have to be running in order for this GUI to connect to the Galil motor controller (Dispatchers are currently installed on Shade). There are three Galil motor drivers, hence 3 dispatchers need to be started up:

ao restart saomot1
ao restart saomot2
ao restart saomot3

Motor Stages: Set Points and Limits

Each stage has nominal positions and limits to motion. The following tables document the measurments taken in the lab in late 2013.

Field Steer Motors

To control field steering with coordinated motor moves see fieldSteer

Scale data taken 11/7/13. Limit data taken 12/3/13.

  Mirror Nominal Midpoint Limit in Limit out Scale: degrees = DNs
A WFS2RY -38766 13466 -110346 2.94 12766
B WFS2RX -32792 18194 -115653 3.25 15000
C WFS1RX -40696 7786 -124997 3.35 15000
D WFS1RY -23125 22551 -94530 3.37 15000

Tip/Tilt Field Selection

Dichroic Selection

WFS Dichroic

Position count
Splitter -6058
Open -12470

TT Dichroic

Position count
Splitter 13010
Mirror -7403

Calibration Source Stage

Mode Cal-X Cal-Y
White -4072 1492

WFS Lenslet Selection

Mode Position Scale
8x -446178 ~ 10 DN / 0.50 pixel
16x -2206 ~ 1000 DN / 0.25 pixel
30x 443354 alignment v

WFS Focus

Position Altitude | count
NGS Infinity 4045
LGS 90 km -5123
LGS 120 km -2831
LGS 100 km -4025

Science Camera Configuration

Please refer to SHARCS science Camera