MCAO Point SpreadFunctions

PSF Files:

V (0.5 microns) - AO_psf49_000.fits

R (0.7 microns) - AO_psf49_001.fits

I (0.9 microns) - AO_psf49_002.fits

J (1.2 microns) - AO_psf49_003.fits

H (1.6 microns) - AO_psf49_004.fits

K (2.2 microns) - AO_psf49_005.fits

The FITS files contain data cubes 49 layers deep, each layer representing one field point in the 7x7 grid, in raster-scan order (1=upper left, 49=lower right). Pixel scale and other image information is in the FITS header.

Typical set of MCAO Point Spread Functions (this set happens to be for 0.9 microns)

Field geometry for MCAO simulation showing 5 laser guidestar tomography constellation and a 7x7 grid of PSF locations.

Simulation Input File - with definitions of the AO system assumptions


Some more PSFs for the 3+1 tomography LGS constelation (NGAO Build-To_Cost design):

These each have 9 PSFs covering a 20x20 arcsecond field. PSF #4 (starting at 0) in each set is on-axis.

The parameter file for this run is:

Contact: Don Gavel, UCO/Lick Observatory, UC Santa Cruz,