6th Laser Technology and Systems for Astronomy Workshop

October 31 - November 1, 2010

/Graphics/arrowbleft Fall 2009 Workshop

/Graphics/arrowbup Announcement

This year the Center for Adaptive Optics will once again be hosting a two-day workshop on Laser Technology and Systems for Astronomy. The purpose of these workshops is to foster information interchange between astronomy uses laser system developers, and scientists studying the interaction of the mesospheric sodium with laser light. We will discuss our experience, perceived challenges and future potentials in improving sodium laser guidestar performance and use this meeting opportunity to exchange ideas and develop collaborations.

Technical topics might include

I welcome your ideas and suggestions! This is a follow-up to our earlier workshops in November 2006, March 2007, November 2007, November 2008, and November 2009, at which we heard about some of the latest cutting edge developments.

Please also refer to the Sodium Laser Guidestar research web page where you will find references for existing laser guide star systems and reported characteristics, ongoing laser development projects, past and upcoming meetings, and a people contact list.

/Graphics/arrowbup Agenda

/Graphics/arrowbup Logistics


The workshop will be held in conjunction with the Center for Adaptive Optics Fall Retreat at the UCLA Lake Arrowhead Conference Center in Southern California. The Fall Retreat starts Thursday October 28 and lasts until Sunday October 31. The Laser Workshop will start at the end of the Retreat starting noon on Sunday October 31 and will last through noon on Monday November 1. The CfAO will be opening up registration in early September. Workshop attendees should register for the Retreat and check the "Attending Laser Workshop" box.

/Graphics/arrowbup Invitees:

and anyone else attending the CfAO Fall Retreat and is interested in lasers for astronomy AO.

Again, my thanks to those who are participating in these workshops and I encourage you all to join in the discussions and planning for future workshops.

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